
Welcome to my blog, thank you for stopping by. If this is your first time to my blog, it's nice to meet you. If you've been here before, welcome back.

My writing journey has begun. The road will have some bumps and detours. I only hope that the first hill is not too high, and the journey is long.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolutions For My Writing Path

I know that we all make New Year's Resolutions, some are kept and some aren't.  Here is a list of my Writing Resolutions:

1.  Write something everyday - be committed.
2.  Learn something new this year that can be applied to my writing.
3.  Read everyday. 
4.  Complete an unfinished manuscript; be proud of what I have accomplished.
5.  Get out of my confort zone and try a different Genre of writing; see where it takes me.
6.  Be more observant of life around me, look for inspiration.
7.  Spend more time researching for a historical fiction I am working on.
8.  Sign up for more Writer's Conferences, they are great for networking and ideas.
9.  Subscribe to a new writing newsletter or magazine to stay up on the latest trends and information.
10. Submit!  Submit!  Submit!

I'll let you know how successful I am at keeping these resolutions.

Happy New Year Everyone!


Angie said...

Those are great resolutions. Good luck!

Maeve Frazier said...

Hi Angie - Thank you! I received your books and I am enjoying reading them. I will post about them soon!