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My writing journey has begun. The road will have some bumps and detours. I only hope that the first hill is not too high, and the journey is long.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Like Morning Coffee

Doesn't this beautiful weather help to inspire you to write?  This morning I woke up with that rush of creativity.  I have been working on my latest project, a YA novel.  It is beginning to take shape.  At first, I had the title and then a piece of an idea.  My characters are developing and I know where my story is going. 

It started out as a slow brew and is now percolating.  Just like my morning cup of coffee, I can't wait to get at my story.


Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Some of my stories start the same way. I get a title in my mind and then start forming the story to go with them. :)

I don't write on the weekend...My hubby and daughter are home then.

Have fun with your writing today!

Jordan McMakin said...

Bright weather makes such a difference. The day seems full of possibility. Happy writing!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I love that feeling of excitement at the beginning of a new project :)

Maeve Frazier said...

Thank you all for stopping by! I had a great writing day. I hope you did as well. :)